This week, we head north of the border to highlight Little Fiction. The journal focused on (surprise) fiction and CNF was started in 2011 by Troy Palmer in Canada who was joined by Amanda Leduc. Over the last six years, its numbers have grown to include an editorial staff of folks from the lower 48 including Beth Gilstrap, Vanessa Christensen as well as Alvin Park and Alicia Elliott. The visual look and design of LF/BT is one of its hallmarks and has been a standard for literary magazines since its inception, matching the caliber of work within its digital pages.
Read “WarDolls” over at Little Fiction.
Bio: Chelsea Laine Wells has been published in PANK, Hobart, Knee-Jerk, The Butter, Third Point Press, The Other Stories, wigleaf, and Heavy Feather, among others, and has work forthcoming from The Collapsar. She’s been nominated for Pushcarts and Best of the Nets and subsequently won a 2015 Best of the Net. She is managing and fiction editor for Hypertext Magazine and founding editor of Hypernova Lit, a journal publishing the work of teenagers. Chelsea lives in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas, Texas, and is a high school librarian and creative writing teacher.